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Today we invite you to help us fuel SCS's future with a gift to the Fund for SCS.

As those before us planned for a Christian School built in a secular world, we must now prepare and support what SCS will mean to our students and the students seventy-five years from now. Giving to the Fund for SCS allows the school to sustain and expand its vision and mission. The fund for SCS promises enrichment in our spiritual, academic, artistic and athletic endeavors for our students and elevates the delivery of Christian education now and for generations to come.

The funds raised blesses our school and students in a number of ways:

  • Furnish eight additional new classrooms for 2025-2026

  • Build a scholarship program

  • Expansion of our Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) program

  • To expand our Outdoor Education Program

  • Add to the Field of Dreams playground area. 

Today, you gift will make an impact on both the school and community.  

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...allows the school to expand and sustain its vision and mission

...enriches our students' spiritual, academic, artistic and athletics

...it takes us from Good to Great in delivering Christian education now and in the future

...allows the school to invest immediately into the student experience